Care Packages to Tijuana

'The right man, in the right place, at the right time, can steal millions.' - Gregory Nunn

'We humans cannot bear very much reality.' - T.S. Eliot

'Every action is measured by the depth of the sentiment from which it proceeds.'

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Gratitude. It is possible one is is very much alive when coming from a substantial setback.

Last years' significant acquisition was a 2016 Trek Cross-rip Comp to replace a Wal-Mart aluminum beach cruiser is an example of the 'small things in life'...

Tenacity can be achieved with a state of mind. I'd like to think it is possible for one to be extremely efficient with principal and compassion.

Riding to a job in San Marcos became exhausting until one specific day last year. Our team was designated to renovate 3 apartments for Camden living. Multiple contractors are usually common onsite and on this hot September day I noted one younger Mexican guy painting the wall with one arm. He wasn't complaining about anything. His story alone and attitude was enough to remain eternally grateful. A long ride home over 4 major hills pulling my old beach cruiser with both arms became a gift.

External Perspective.

A group of other contractors noted we were throwing literally everything away but the kitchen sink. These guys were legit / licensed and looking to bring stuff to a charity just south of the border in Mexico. We helped turn a bunch of stuff going to disposition to needy families in TJ. Not a fan of large bureaucracies rather than people of action it's possible the kitchen, bath and ceiling fans got to the proper charity. Riding home listening to Duduk of the North [Djivan Gasparyan & Hans Zimmer] thru Carlsbad, California in the evening became fun. 

The resource market is making a bottoming process. A massive sale the size of legal theft is on very select junior resource companies (Pareto's Law squared) on the TSX. Make sure you evaluate management (people) as the major priority after going thru the proper available financial data. There should be some sloppy trading into this fall to wipe out the final lemmings before 2018. The average person has incredible contrarian opportunities as most run with the crowd (expensive leveraged momentum traders masked as hedge funds). The New Silk Road in Asia is getting ready and will need real things not debt based government paper in a 37 year old bull market. Are you ready to ride the ultimate?

Strength & Honor [Gladiator]



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