A Small Measure of Peace
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. - Henry David Thoreau
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts… If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed. -
Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A Samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant. - Tsukahara Bokuden.
Warren Sumner was a great father, salesman & proven warrior on the Links.
Often misconstrued during tournaments, my father helped me conceptualize the many advantages of strategy when being underestimated.
Upon Warren’s completion of his service in the Air Force his return to Detroit and marriage to a hard working nurse provided the impetus to seek out a warm destination for college & golf.
Arizona State & life in the southwest was a defining time for my parents which would later assist in their son’s journey.
Traveling back east inside The Home of The Brave has helped envision what some of my family may think of a wild past… truth is nobody asked any real questions and I turned my back on my father during a time if anger.
Channeling anger & aggression worked well for this midshipman running the crease [defense] as a NCAA athlete for the U.S. Naval Academy [Navy Lacrosse].
My process to deprogram started with a heavy dose of escaping reality for quite a few years. Now more compassionate to my psychological make up the path forward back to engagement is now very clear.
A hardcore boom by Walbert, M.W. Was published in 1899 [Gilded Age] when prosperity flourished under specie [collateral based] money in North America: The Coming Battle - A Complete History of the National Banking Money Power in the United States.
Changes in the world during the 20th century were financed using fractional reserve banking and wealth transfer.
Unless someone is in a trance or innumerate the coming new war on those not prepared should be clear.
Stakes are going up as we see people ‘dying suddenly’ & running with the repetitive content heard.
Going for it in multiple arenas has been a gift. The ability to process real data upon what we have direct exposure 2 can be extremely constructive.
The Great Game is upon all world wide as
Young & Impressionistic > Narrative Driven > my father used to call me a marketing man’s dream.
Understanding your weaknesses as a young man has advantages. Recognizing my need for focus and lack of interest in all parts of public school academics, the best was to achieve freedom and live near the ocean was to go into the mouth of the cat.
My father loved the idea of his son as a NCAA Athlete, USNA graduate & officer. Free college & forced occupation for 10 years also ensured I pleased my family.
Always the 2nd or 3rd best defenseman on the team, somehow I was in the fight to make varsity Navy Lacrosse as a freshman.
One experience resulting in near expulsion opened my mind of a goal to become anti-fragile and live a life of passion.
Suffering & Real Challenges assisted with a progression towards critical thinking.
Unfortunately when surrounded by established methodologies there was little mentorship.
Going for it in life resulted in much time away from my family achieving personal goals never thought possible.
A first, light snowfall has covered the ground. A1gren walks out into the still night. He turns a corner and confronts curious sight: Ten warriors kneel, motionless in the snow, their eyes closed in concentration. As Algren puzzles over this, he becomes aware that Katsumoto is now standing next to him. KATSUMOTO They are training. ALGREN Training what? KATSUMOTO Their minds. It is called bushido... 42. Algren looks at him. He has never heard the word. KATSUMOTO The way of the warrior. We study from when we are young. Are my words correct?
KATSMUOTO It takes many years to make a sword. It is a holy Act. A samurai's sword is his soul. ALGREN This sword is flawed. What is this uneven line near the edge? Katsumoto smiles at Algren's ignorance. KATSUMOTO One man is flexible and compromises too much to avoid conflict. Another man is so fierce he wins ever y battle, but so rigid he can never know peace. A man who knows both is the perfect warrior. The lame is true of a blade .. one steel bends, and the other cuts. And where they meet is never perfect Hold the blade up. . Algren holds the sword, cutting edge up. Katsumoto takes a silk cloth and drops it. It gently billows down -- and splits evenly on the edge. KATSUMOTO Some believe a blade is thirsty until it tastes the blood of its enemy. Algren hands the sword back. Suddenly, Katsumoto swings the sword, cleanly splitting the table in two. Silence. ALGREN The crew at Winchester can produce one rifle ever y seven minutes. KA TSUMOTO We gave up firearms two hundred years ago. It takes no courage to kill. A man from half a mile awa y. You must look into the eyes of your enemy to know who you have killed.
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