Questions 4 Young People

 It’s all right to aim high if you have plenty of ammunition.- Harley R. Everhart

 We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it. - Benjamin Franklin

Mastering others is Strength, Mastering yourself is True Power. - Lao Tzu


1. What is your Philosophy? Freedom or Safety? Which is of most Importance?

2. Why does the media continually call people from the United States ‘Americans?’

3. How many Planks of The Communist Manifesto are active in Western Nations?

4. Why is Private Property essential for a free society? [L. von Mises: Human Action]

5. How can you have capitalism without encouraging capital formation? [Saving more than Consuming - Who pays for the Lemonade Stand?]

6. Why did Thomas Jefferson stipulate in the U.S. Constitution only Gold & Silver to be a tender for payment?

7. How can a free country make it Illegal it’s citizens [‘human resources’] to own gold coins [Felony] from 1933 until 1974?

8. What is an equity based ‘specie’ currency versus a debt based fiat currency?

9. Why is the Federal Reserve noted as a government institution when it’s a private banking conglomerate?

10. If an entity is insolvent and can’t service it’s debts who is in control or how much power do the secured debt holders have over the plant, capital & equipment much less the citizens or employees?

11. How was World War 1 financed when most of Europe was still coming out of the depression from the crash of Vienna in 1873?

12. How did the Nazi Party in Germany fund it’s massive army to take on the world when the country was leveled by hyperinflation [Weimar Republic] in the late 1920’s? [i.e. it’s currency could but nothing - no credit] - How do you acquire hard collateral to make steel with no currency for materials not within Germany?

13. Who lent the essential crude oil to the German Nazi party for World War 2? Germany had abundant metallurgical coal but near zero oil reserves. How could they acquire oil [unlike Venezuela] when they had none and no currency / assets?

14. What is the Role of a Constitutional Republic versus a Democracy? Why does the media constantly use the term ‘democracy’ when U.S. Citizens pledge alliance to ‘The Republic’ - ? What do these words mean? [passport from Uruguay states Respublica del Uruguay]

15. Since ‘Demos’ is the mob [majority] why would a ‘mob’ rule be a good idea? Is the reason this was never adopted in the U.S. Constitution because this philosophical core ideal imposes force upon the minority? Is this racist?

16. How is wealth created? What’s working capital or SKIN IN THE GAME?

17. Who was Lao Tzu?

18. Why does the U.S. Flag closely resemble the British East India Flag?

19. What were the Opium Wars? What currency terms were set [payment / tender] for the most profitable product?

20. What did ‘Not worth a greenback’ mean? How & Why did society move away from Specie Money [Collateral] empowering individuals? Does this have anything to do with why there are no real westerns on the propaganda screen vs Centralized State Police Shows?

21. Who was Daniel Shays? [site owner went to high school in Longmeadow, MA]. What was Shays Rebellion? Why is this not discussed in New England schools?

22. The term ‘Price Discovery’ [of Capital]. What does this mean? How does artificially lowering interest rates [no free floating market] at bank accounts within Western Financial Nations punish savers and reward consumer [wealth transfer]? Is this ethical? Is this efficient?

23. How many around you are involved with consumption? Review GAAP accounting on what’s a producing entity vs a consumer.

“The Object of Life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” - Have you read Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations [Ta eis heautonlit.'things to one's self'] Book One > series of personal writings?

24. Do Political Parties create wealth? How is a ‘job’ created?

25. Do you want a ‘job’ - a career or a life calling [passion]?

26. What does your daily P&L look like? We area all considered corporations [maritime admiralty law] before ‘corpses’ so do you own any collateral to be transferred to your loved ones [gold & silver outside the matrix]?

27. [Ayrton Senna Number] > Have you read Marcus Aurelius Meditations? Are you aware of the 5th level warfare engaged against you or are you still playing 2 dimensional chess? Times haven't changed just the battlefield & implementation of tactics. Your opponent is well skilled on strategic [time] initiatives. Consider reading Front Runner to use forces [R. Buckminster Fuller].

Embrace accountability and take business risks under your own name. Society will reward you with responsibility, equity, and leverage. - Naval Ravikant

Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him, and then choose that way with all his strength. - Hasidic Saying

This is US History, I see the globe right there… - Jeff Spicoli @ Movie ‘Fast Times” [U.S.A. Corp Mental Conditioning paid by Plantation 13 - East India Company Founders > Prove I’m wrong].



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